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Nord.js uses file-based routing, similar to frontend frameworks like Next.js, Remix, Nuxt, and SvelteKit. Each TypeScript file inside the routes directory can export multiple functions, one for each HTTP method.

For example, create the following file routes/success.ts:

export const GET = () => {
  return { success: true };

This will expose an endpoint GET /success which will return the JSON body { "success": true }.

To use the request body, query parameters, or search parameters, you can use hooks provided as properties of the exported function argument. For example, the useBody hook returns the request body after validating it using zod. This also means that your body is strongly typed based on the provided schema:

// routes/users/index.ts
import type { Route } from "@nordjs/types";
import { z } from "@nordjs/validator";
import { createUser } from "../../database.ts";

// Create a new user
// POST /routes/users
export const POST: Route = async ({ useBody }) => {
  const data = useBody(
      name: z.string().optional(),
      email: z.string().email(),
      password: z
        .min(8, { message: "Password must be 8 characters or longer" }),
  const user = await createUser(data);
  return { success: true, result: user };

In the above example, the type of data will be:

const data: {
  name?: string;
  email: string;
  password: string;
} = useBody(/**/);

Similarly, route parameters and other HTTP verbs can be used:

// routes/users/[id].ts
import type { Route } from "@nordjs/types";
import { z } from "@nordjs/validator";
import { NotFoundException } from "@nordjs/errors";
import { getUser, deleteUser, updateUser } from "../../database.ts";

const params = { id: z.string().startsWith("user_") };

// Get a user
// GET /users/:id
export const GET: Route = ({ useParams }) => {
  const { id } = useParams(params);
  const found = getUser(id);
  if (!found) throw new NotFoundException("User not found");
  return found;

// Delete a user
// DELETE /users/:id
export const DELETE: Route = async ({ useParams }) => {
  const { id } = useParams(params);
  await deleteUser(id);
  return { success: true };

// Update a user
// PATCH /users/:id
export const PATCH: Route = async ({ useBody, useParams }) => {
  const { id } = useParams(params);
  const data = useBody(
      name: z.string().optional(),
      email: z.string().email().optional(),
  const result = await updateUser(id, data);
  return result;

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