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About Nord.js

Nord.js is a fast, familiar backend framework for building RESTful APIs in TypeScript. You can think of it like a backend framework designed for frontend developers.


Node.js@nordjs/node✅ Completed
Bun@nordjs/bun🚧 In progress
Deno@nordjs/deno🤞 Planned


Nord.js stands on the shoulders of giants. I've been using NestJS for years, also in production, so I'm a big fan of the project and the team. It's extremely structured, well thought out, and has a growing ecosystem, so it's always my first recommendation for large-scale, production applications in TypeScript. The problem is that developers familiar with frontend frameworks like Next.js and React have trouble understanding "the NestJS way", with concepts like providers, modules, and services. And when you add circular dependencies and asynchronous injection in the mix, it's hard to keep up.

Nord.js, on the other hand, feels like it's on the intersection of NestJS and Next.js. It's a backend framework designed for frontend developers, with familiar concepts like file-based routing and hooks for data validation, and built on top of familiar frameworks like Express.

Released under the MIT License